The Unbearable Lightness of Using `const`

May 2, 2017 02:43 · 3406 words · 16 minutes read javascript es6

It has recently come to my attention that there is some confusion in the javascript community as to the usage of const. If you’ll allow me a few minutes and artistic license to butcher the -actual- underpinnings of memory management and registration in the V8 engine, I’ll attempt to explain how const operates at the lowest-level possible. But know now, If you’re looking for a simple answer regarding when to use const, well, buddy, this isn’t the article for you. However, if you’re curious as to how javascript handles data types and memory allocation, then, to quote my good friend Deckard Cain: “Stay awhile… and listen!”

Ada’s Rule

First things first, there is one immutable rule of JavaScript:

Everything is an object.

“Ada’s Rule of JavaScript”

And, just as every mathematical theorem has addendum’s, so does this one:

Well, almost everything.

“Ada’s Corollary”

In fact, it’ll be faster for me to list the values in JavaScript that aren’t objects:

  • true
  • false
  • null
  • undefined

That’s it. That’s all there is… Everything else is either an Object type or a derivative there of.

A Diversion

In most classic compiled languages, there are language-level definitions for what are called primitive data-types or just primitives. Primitives only store only values and have no instance-methods of their own. To help extract the concepts from real-world implementation, I’ve created an imaginary C-like language called Ay (Ada’s Analogue). In Ay, there exists four language-defined primatives:

  • int - stores integer values
  • float - stores floating point numbers
  • char - stores a single character
  • bool - stores boolean (true/false) values

In Ay, when the compiler is run, the application allocates memory in the stack for each variable based on this data type. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of the stack, don’t worry about it (and if you are, just hang with me while I build an imperfect, but easy to understand analogy). Broadly speaking, the stack is the lot of memory that the application is allowed to use. To help visualize this, imagine a grid:

Ay Memory Stack


Using the magic of Suspension of Disbelief (for those who understand this concept better than I), one of the things that Ay does during compilation, is allocate the same amount of memory for every primitive data type. That is, each cell in the grid above can hold either an int, float, char or bool. In the real world, things are not this perfect, but again, shooting for ease of explanation, and not accuracy.

Take a look at the following simple Ay program

int n = 42;

All this program does is define an int called n with the value of 42 on line 1, and then print it to the console on line 2. The simplest program possible.

What the compiler does is grab an unused cell from the stack and shove the value of 42 into that location in memory. Running this program, the memory stack could look like this after executing line 1:

0 42

When line 2 runs, the program knows to look in memory at the location A:0 to find the value of n and then display it to the screen. But what happens if the value of n changes?

int n = 42;
n = 13;

Exactly what you’d expect, I’m sure:

0 13

Putting it simply, changing a primitive value changes the value stored in the memory allocated for that variable.

Here’s an example with all primitive types used:

int n = 42;
float f = 3.14159;
char c = 'c';
bool b = false;


And the memory stack after line 4:

0 42
1 3.14159
2 'c'
3 false

If only life could be as simple as those four primitives… But, alas, sometimes we need more complicated data structures to describe our world. Luckily, Ay is an object-oriented language that allows the definition of complicated data structures from those four types. My fiancé is studying for finals right now, so I’m going to create an example Ay class called ExamRecord that fits into a larger imaginary application. For ease of discussion, the exams are anonymized with a Student ID on the scantron instead of a name (that way the professor can’t play favorites and bump the grade). As such, each ExamRecord object will need to store an int representing the student ID, a numerical grade stored as a float, and a char letter grade:

class ExamRecord {
  int studentID;
  float examGrade;
  char letterGrade;

Luckily for this article, the Ay language auto-magically assigns the correct arguments to an instance’s properties when the constructor is called. It also applies a method on every class instance called dump() that will print the class’s properties in a pretty format. For instance:

ExamRecord er = new ExamRecord(1430, 86.3, 'B');

would produce:

--Exam Record------------
        studentID:   1430
        examGrade:   86.3
      letterGrade:      B

(One of the nicest things about using an imaginary language is that it can do whatever you want it to without writing a single line of code…)

Take a close look at the memory stack for this new program, and you’ll see something interesting:

0 ExamRecord {
studentId: B:1,
examGrade: C:1,
letterGrade: D:1
1 1430 86.3 'B'

The memory location for er doesn’t contain the values for each of the properties of er, but instead contains the memory locations for each value of er. Ay allows changing the values for each property thusly:

er->examGrade = 92.4;
er->letterGrade = 'A';

The -> operator, in practice, is the same as the . operator in JavaScript. That is, it tells the er object to access the identified property. However, the theoretical difference here is that we’re telling the er object to point to the memory location for the identified property and then access that location’s value. The memory stack’s state will look like this:

0 ExamRecord {
studentId: B:1,
examGrade: C:1,
letterGrade: D:1
1 1430 92.4 'A'

Once, we’ve set the properties for an ExamGrade and saved it (via some other method we’ve written called saveExamRecord()), we’ll want to create another. An expanded snippet might look like:

ExamRecord er = new ExamRecord(1430, 86.3, 'B');
er = new ExamRecord(1215, 71.8, 'C');
0 ExamRecord {
studentId: B:1,
examGrade: C:1,
letterGrade: D:1
1 1430 92.4 'A'
2 ExamRecord {
studentId: B:3,
examGrade: C:3,
letterGrade: D:3
3 1215 71.8 'C'

Notice that when the new operator is used, the program creates the instance of ExamRecord in an unused memory location, instead of using a previously occupied one, which differs from what happens when you assign a new value to a primitive data type. Don’t worry about what happens to the old instance. But if you need an explanation we’ll go with: the old instance wanders into the dark and is eaten by a grue.

This all seems irrelevant.

In reality, it’s incredibly irrelevant. But, like I said, this is all merely an analogy to help understand what happens when const is used. The previous exercise is a “Good Enough™” high-level overview of what happens in a compiled language to help explain what’s going on in JavaScript when const is used. But, there’s one concept that needs to be revisited, and this time I’m going to yell it so that it appears larger on the page:


“Ada’s Rule of JavaScript”

As previously stated: JavaScript has no primitives. Everything is an object. That being said, JavaScript has some data types that act like primitives. For example:

var n = 42
var x = 13

Will produce the output:

> 42
> 13

The variables n and x are not of type int or float. They are Number objects that have methods built into them like toFixed(), toString() and valueOf(). In fact, the previous can be re-written as:

var n = new Number(42)
var x = new Number(13)

and the stack will look something like:

0 Number { PrimitiveValue: B:1 }
1 42
2 Number { PrimitiveValue: B:3 }
3 13

Further more, an interesting thing happens when you reassign a Number object’s value. Take the following for example:

var n = 42
n = 13

with the output:

> 42
> 13

At the end of execution, the memory stack will look like:

0 Number { PrimitiveValue: B:1 }
1 42
2 Number { PrimitiveValue: B:3 }
3 13

Scroll up a bit and compare it to the previous memory stack. Go on… I’ll wait…

Ada whistle’s a few bars of “Girl from Impanema”

Welcome back. Did you see it? It’s exactly the same. In JavaScript, assigning a number to a variable does not change the value of the Number object assigned to the variable, but instead creates a new Number object in memory and directs the variable to point (remember the -> operator?) at the new memory location. While that sinks in, I must make a little service announcement…


Look, if -anybody- reads this, I know I’m going to get comments like “lol, no.”, “do u even language spec, bro?” (not a bro), and/or long rants about how the V8 engine is entirely more complex than the drivel I’ve written.

And those people are absolutely correct.

The truth is, memory management in JavaScript is infinitely more complex than what I’ve described. For instance, this article doesn’t take into account the fact that V8 uses a Context object to encapsulate variables that exist in different scopes, nor does it actually create new Number objects when you change the value of n (it… kinda does, but… it… kinda doesn’t? It’s… difficult to explain… hell, it’s difficult to understand… so much so, that I couldn’t accurately explain it if directly asked to).

However, the creators of ES6/7/8+ have made it their goal to make JavaScript feel more like it’s Object-Oriented cousins (C++, Java, Swift) and less like it’s LISP-y ancestors. That is, they have applied syntactic sugar that appears to make ES6 adhere to a more classic paradigm. As such, all of these under-the-hood mechanics can now be more easily explained using classic ideology than first wading through the muck of (what is now all but obsolete) paradigms such as prototypical inheritance (yes, commenters, I’m aware that it’s still what happens behind the scenes and that there are instances where it is more powerful than the class syntax).

All of that being said, please do -not- take this article as Gospel. Consider it as you would the idea of Schroedinger’s Box: It’s imperfect and simplistic, but it gets the idea across and provides a launching pad for further understanding of a complex subject.

If you’d still like to eviscerate me in the comments, please at least show you’ve done me the courtesy of reading this section by tagging your comment with #lovenopes, and I promise I’ll read, respond, argue, and if necessary, amend the original article to include the new information. I want to be as knowledgable as you are, and beyond that, I want all those who aren’t to get the right information.

And… we’re (h|b)ack

Thank you for indulging me that brief interlude… Upon re-reading everything up to this point, I realize I haven’t answered the question that should be in your head right now: What does this have to do with const?

In our imaginary language, Ay, assigning a new ExamGrade instance to a variable actually points the variable to a new memory location that stores the individual memory locations for each property. In JavaScript, assigning an Object (that is, assigning -almost- anything) to a variable does the same thing. When you use either var or let (which is another article altogether), to store an Object, you are telling the interpreter that it’s ok to assign a different memory location to the defined variable at a later time. When you use const however, the interpreter understands that once the memory address for that object is assigned, it is not allowed to assign it a different address ever again. However, this instruction does not apply to an object’s properties.

For instance, the ExamRecord class in JavaScript:

class ExamRecord {
  constructor(studentID, examGrade, letterGrade) {
    this.studentID = studentID
    this.examGrade = examGrade
    this.letterGrade = letterGrade

and in the main program:

const er = new ExamRecord(1430, 86.3, 'B')

The stack will look something like:

0 ExamRecord {
  studentId:   B:1,
  examGrade:   B:2,
  letterGrade: B:3
1 Number {PrimitiveValue: C1} 1430
2 Number {PrimitiveValue: C2} 86.3
3 String {PrimitiveValue: C3} 'B'

If you tried to directly change the value of er like so:

er = 12

In essence, you would be creating a new Number object, which would be created at a new memory location (let’s say A:5), and then attempting to point er at the new memory location.

And you’d get a nasty looking error:

VM23194:1 Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

However, if you attempted to change a property of er, say the examGrade property:

er.examGrade = 92.6

Everything would work correctly. The memory stack would look like:

0 ExamRecord {
  studentId:   B:1,
  examGrade:   B:2,
  letterGrade: B:3
1 Number {PrimitiveValue: C1} 1430
2 Number {PrimitiveValue:
3 String {PrimitiveValue: C3} 'B'

This example works because an object’s properties are not defined as const and are thusly allowed to point at any memory location that they please. This method also works with the elements of an Array because it, just like everything else, is an object:

const arr = []
arr[1] = 13

When an array is asked to change the contents of an element at a given index, it is the element itself, not the array, that is being given a new memory address to point to. That is, arr’s memory location never changes, but the memory location of the Object stored at the specified element does.

Constraining Code

There’s… one other side-effect of const that needs to be mentioned. The Human Side-Effect. As developers, on average, we spend most of our day not -writing- code, but reading it. For those developers who use Ay on the daily, it is intrinsically easier to understand an application’s data flow at a glance because they have keywords to identify data types i.e.: int, float, char, bool. This makes it easier for the developers to find bugs in their code because the language, by design, imposes constraints on the type of data they can assign to a given variable, and therefor provides the developers with logical and visual (via syntax highlighting) context clues.

JavaScript engineers, on the other hand, have never had that “luxury”. We’ve had to maintain skepticism that a variable defined as a Number on line 14 would still be holding a Number, instead of a String on line 46.

Well, no more.

Using const you can help self-document your code by setting forward the intention that the value of the defined variable will not change before it is no longer needed. This isn’t just a promise to the run-time, but also to other developers (and, even your future self).

Tangent: When Should I Use const?

I’m glad you asked… In my opinion const should be used only when the value of the variable will not change, at all, between the times it is declared and goes out of scope. If you plan on changing the value of an object’s property, don’t use const. While this is a syntactically viable place to use const, it fails to convey the correct intention. In fact, it straight up lies to whomever is reviewing the code.

Update 05.02.17 @ 11:17:

I posted this article on reddit and received an incredible comment from /u/Retsam19. The conversation caused me to look back at some of my recent code as well as that of community leaders writing modern js and ultimately realize that combination of murky writing and “brain faster than fingers” led to a combination of poor communication of ideas on my part, and down right ignoring others. The edit below incorporates Retsam19’s suggestions and my rework of the text

This is more a question of stylistics than of proper code authoring. Because of this, everyone will have a differing opinion. However, the most common modern JavaScript linter, eslint, has a rule (prefer-const) that will attempt to enforce the usage of const over var or let. My personal feeling on the matter, though, is: Use const everywhere that you can and that it makes since to; allow the usage of let to signify that a variable defined as such will -absolutely- change; use const to help manage side-effects (we’ll talk about those later); use it in loops or iterator functions to hold a temporary variable. I also use it to deconstruct built-ins, create simple composable functions, or to store mathematic constants:

// deconstructions
const {PI, min, max} = Math

// mathematic constants
const TWO_PI = PI * 2

// composables
const add = (a,b) => a + b
const createAdder = (x) => (n) => add(x,n)

const add5 = createAdder(5)

// -> 7
Addendum: 05.02.17 @ 11:58: Decided to write a proper conclusion…

The Wrap-Up

To those of you who are coming to javascript as your first language in the middle of this transitionary period between old and new code styles, I hope that somewhere in this rambling mess of mid-night mutterings, you found an answer to a question that has been vexing you. Or, even better, that you found new questions to ask.

For those of you coming from a different language, I hope I was able to bridge the gap of knowledge that is so very often lost between the two disciplines.

And finally, for those of you who find this explanation simplistic and elementary, I encourage you to share. Leave a comment, link your blog, post your youtube channel, send me an email, author a white paper, write a medium article. Just, don’t do nothing.

– A. Lovecraft